We played him. We had Z's back til we didn't. We told him in Minsk I Minsk II and Istanbul talks: don't make deal with Putin. "WE GOT YOUR BACK"

Now Trump is saying no deal we don't have your back and we want your resources. Who can trust a word that comes out of his mouth. *NOBODY*

Trump want's to make peace in Ukraine ( such a humanitaruan) but he and Netanyahu just negated phase 2 in Gaza and will continue the genocide. Again who TF will ever want to deal with -can't keep a deal- Trump or Netanyahu. Z kinda said FU. Maybe Europe will take the reins and help Z after all Russia is in their back yard and Eukrsibe's resources are close as well. Maybe Europe will makeva deslvwith Z. USA hegamonic unipolar world is crumbling. And that's a good thing comrades.




Refuse Fascism

Oppose Oppression

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I agree with much of your post but Z is no victim. He went along with the west’s Minsk fraud. Merkel has clearly stated that the west never intended to honor it. It was a stall tactic to give Ukraine military time to build up. And then the Boris Johnson visi. Meanwhile Z is acquiring properties around the world and his wife goes on extravagant shopping sprees. Blood money in my opinion. And a first class grifter.

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When Max talks about a "power mafia" in the video (at 11:25) here is what he means. .....

The 2014 Ukraine coup, and everything after that, has been an international Jewish/ neocon/neoliberal project designed to weaken or destroy Russia. Keep in mind that even though post WWII Ukraine now has less than 100,000 Jews, they have totally controlled Ukraine since the 2014 coup with a succession of Presidents, all of them Jews: Yatsenyuk, Groysman, Poroshenko, and now Zelensky. …. In addition, 1⁄3 of the Zelensky’s cabinet are Jews!

Their logic goes like this … if the World only has one superpower, and if Zionists Jews control that superpower’s foreign policy, then they can dictate settlement terms for Palestine, so that Israel can keep all of the land they stole. For this same reason the plan also called for the elimination of any regional powers opposed to Israel in the Middle East. Witness all of the regime change wars there.

It is that simple. They called it ‘Project For New American Century’, … and also ‘Clean Break’. Both plans written by neocon Jews were put down in writing in 1998 and 1996. (look it up) And then, they all got jobs in the Bush Administration to carry out their plan.

When Ukraine is defeated, ordinary Ukrainians will be looking to find who is at fault. … Therefore, the international Jewish/ neocon/neoliberal project is trying hard to prolong this day of reckoning because there could be retribution against these people for leading Ukraine into this catastrophe. That is why the Zionists / neocon / globalists that caused this catastrophe will continue, until they are forced to stop. Even if they kill another 800,000 Ukrainians.

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