Thank you. This is worth reading every word.

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Wyatt Reed you have poked one hot tip into an iceberg! How soon can you say more?

The US State Dept. FY25 Congressional Budget Justification, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Table of Contents is a convenient list of USAID sister agencies.


USAID and DFC are required to integrate data,

"A joint DFC, USAID, and State Department Working Group (“Working Group”) was established to identify the optimal data reporting solution and develop a formal project plan and timeline for implementation."


In 2021 Brookings recommended a close relationship between the two agencies,


According to Bread for Food,

". . . USAID set a target of providing at least 25 percent of its program funds to local partners by the end of FY2025.

USAID bridges its localization efforts across the interagency—including the Development Finance Corporation (DFC), the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), PEPFAR, the Inter-American Foundation, and the Department of State, among others—to ensure that their programming is aligned and that their legislative and budgetary requests reflect a coherent localization vision and implementation plan."


[See the FY25 State Dept. Congressional Justification TOC above for other said agencies.]

DFC is a HIPSO partner,


HIPSO has several work streams. One of HIPSO's work streams is SDGs-related money,

". . . Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) are well-placed to support the private sector’s pivotal role in achieving the SDGs by providing technical assistance and catalyzing much needed private capital to investments in countries where public finance on its own is inadequate to address major development gaps. Similarly, with an estimated $715 billion in the impact investing market alone,3 private investors can help advance the SDGs by investing in enterprises and projects that contribute towards these global goals. Sustainable investing more broadly is also on the rise - and accelerating during the pandemic - with assets under management in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) funds reaching a record high of $1 trillion in 2020."


The 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals),



There are multiple alphabet soup acronyms and voluminous references (at the highest UN levels) to deciding, improving coordination, organizing events, publishing, planning publishing, contributing to transformative actions, rallying actors, strategizing or collectively acting to implement a Ministerial Declaration, and undertaking accelerating,


Too, informing policy by monitoring, reporting, analyzing, training; enhancing capacities for measuring progress; and resilient agile systematizing.


Four 2025 Transformational Development Themes (in the order presented):

Women. "Progress on SDG 5 on gender equality will also push us forward on all the other SDGs."

Money. "SDG 17 calls for global solidarity and partnership to mobilize the resources needed to achieve the SDGs." [$. . . ?]

AI. "AI and other digital technologies impact nearly every aspect of our lives. UNDP is determined to make sure they are a force for good in sustainable development."

​Peace. "Conflicts hold back progress on all of the Goals. SDG 16 provides a vision for peaceful and inclusive societies, with strong institutions and universal access to justice."



“ . . . the world is getting a failing grade,” UN Secretary-General António Guterres



1. If one member of the public can find this single vein, how did DOGE manage such smaller ridiculous examples that factcheck.org then spent time, whose money, and energy defending?


2. Any white collar laundering here?

3. At what public cost that can do how much good delivered more directly?

4. Who will call TIME?

5. Who can make this Self-Sustaining?

6. How am I wrong?

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In war, the first casualty is truth.

- Aeschylus

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